Wednesday, April 11, 2012

On Stranger Tides

If you liked the other three movies of Pirates of the Caribbean, you will like the fourth one On Stranger Tides. The characters Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbosa are in it, plus the new characters Angelica and her dad Black Beard. Too, there's also deadly mermaids, King George and Jack's dad. There are also two ships, The Queen Anne's Revenge and the Black Pearl. The Queen Anne's Revenge belongs to Black Beard. They are on a quest to find the fountain of youth so that Black Beard can live longer. But first they have to go to White Capped Bay to get a mermaid's tear. When they find the fountain of youth, Black Beard meets Barbosa and gets stabbed. The fountain is the only hope for surviving the stab wound. Will Black Beard live? Watch the movie to find out!
I give this movie 5 jellybeans!

1 comment:

  1. Eh, the little twist at the end was barely enough to save this movie for me. I think the plot was far less than what I expected based on the previous three movies. Still, it was a great romp in the theater for action sake. I am glad I saw it on my big screen in HD rather than buying the darn thing in Blu-ray though. My co-worker from DISH tipped me off it was on Starz in HD, so I recorded it. I saw it in the theater and unfortunately, the need to like if for the overpriced theater ticket was not present with my TV version. Luckily, I had hundreds of other HD channels to turn to in order to redeem the night.
